in case my over-use of the exclamation point wasn't that obvious in the title of this post, i am beyond excited to tell you that i am now a part of a blog circle!! this entry marks my first ever can i get a "woot-woot"??
anyway...for the past month, i was challenged with trying to make the inhuman, human. yeah, that's exactly what i thought. like, ummmmm, how am i going to do that??!! we have no pets, well, we don't have any pets right now. we did have two goldfish that i accidentally killed and a dog that went to go live on a farm (and i don't mean that in the air bunny quotes way, like farm=heaven, she totally went to go live on a legit farm) and my kids are still upset about that one. my daughter will openly cry about it, to the point where i feel like the worst parent in the world. seriously...she actually calls out the dog's name in a howl as she's crying. heartstrings have been torn.
sorry....i'm digressing here.
the point is, we have no pets.
sooooooo what could i use??
looking around my house, i decided to use some inanimate objects and different lighting situations, to see if i could make them look human...or at least show some sort of emotion. here's what i came up with!!